Telegram has become one of the most popular social media platforms, messengers, and digital marketing tools in the past few years. With unique features like channels, groups, free stickers, cloud storage, secret chats, self-destructive messages, and privacy, it has found millions of users all over the world. Telegram is the only social platform for users to keep their data private from big corporations and government structures. Pavel Durov, Telegram founder and CEO, claims Telegram will never be sold, unlike what happened to WhatsApp and Facebook in 2014.
Given the recent increase in popularity of Telegram, many businesses and bloggers have started using the platform to reach new audiences. Telegram Marketing has quickly become one of the most effective tools for mobile and digital marketing.
If you’re interested in staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends, be sure to check out some additional digital marketing statistics. This way, you’ll know which trends are worth following and which ones you can safely ignore.
Given the recent increase in popularity of טלגראס הזמנה, many businesses and bloggers have started using the platform to reach new audiences. Telegram Marketing has quickly become one of the most effective tools for mobile and digital marketing.
If you’re interested in staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends, be sure to check out some additional digital marketing statistics. This way, you’ll know which trends are worth following and which ones you can safely ignore.
What is Telegram Marketing?
Telegram Marketing is an effective way to reach and engage potential customers by creating communities on Telegram – through channels and groups, advertising in these communities, making bots, and maintaining communication with users.
Some of the key benefits of Telegram Marketing include:
- Building a community with user interaction;
- Constructing a news feed to broadcast important information;
- Sharing rich content in a new format;
- Automating some processes;
- and much more.
Telegram channels and groups are both excellent tools for Telegram marketing. They allow you to interact with users on different levels, and each has its own advantages. Telegram channels are great for broadcasting content such as news, product overviews, testimonials and useful articles. Groups, on the other hand, are perfect for engaging with users directly. This makes them ideal for answering questions, providing customer support or simply having a conversation.
What is Telegram Channel?
Telegram channels are groups that are used to broadcast content to subscribers. Telegram channels are similar to Facebook groups, but they are not interactive in the sense that subscribers can only read, forward content, and participate in votes–they cannot comment on them. Channel owners can share texts, images, videos, audio files, documents, and external links. One of the benefits of Telegram channels is that there is no limit for the number of members that can join channels. For example, WhatsApp groups have a limit of 200 followers.
What is Telegram Group?
Telegram groups are a great way for businesses to communicate with customers, get feedback, and encourage user-generated content. As a part of digital Telegram Marketing, most businesses use a two- or three-sided approach. They create Telegram channels to share content, groups to engage with customers, and bots to automate communication and the sales process.
10 Benefits of Telegram Channel Marketing
Telegram Channel marketing is a fresh and growing branch of mobile and digital marketing, with already many benefits over other social media and messenger platforms.
- Global shift of mobile market to messengers
Chatting with friends, colleagues, or even companies, voice and video calling, exchanging files, sending money, buying products and services, and scheduling appointments can all be done in one app – and it’s becoming more and more casual for mobile users. China has already set the precedent, and most countries are likely to follow suit with WeChat. Telegram may even lead the charge since it’s the most flexible messenger out there.
- Fastest growing messenger app
Telegram has seen tremendous growth in the past five years and is poised to replace WhatsApp in the next five to ten years. This opens up new opportunities for Telegram marketing.
- Unlimited audience in Telegram channels
WhatsApp may be the most popular messenger, but their groups are far from user- and business-friendly. They impose limits for members – 200 per group. With an average outreach of 10%, WhatsApp is not the best choice to bring your business there. Telegram channels don’t have any limits. You can easily access 5 or 10 mln audiences.
- Higher engagement rate
Telegram’s average view rate is 20%, while Instagram and Facebook come in at 3% and 4%, respectively. Telegram is one of the best ways to reach potential customers fresh.